Tag Archives: polarizing topics

123: Addressing Polarizing Topics in the Classroom with Kent Lenci

Are there topics that you avoid in the classroom?  Are there themes that come up and you’re not sure how to handle a potentially polarizing situation? I’ve certainly been there myself and that’s when I turn to my guest today, Kent Lenci, who collaborates with schools as they work toward building a culture of civil discourse in their classrooms and communities. How often do we ask our language students their opinion, on everything from favorite color to politics. We can all use some tools to navigate some of these potentially tricky situations. Kent Lenci is here to provide those tools and insights.

Topics in this Episode:

  • why it’s important to not avoid  challenging topics
  • techniques and strategies teachers can use to create a supportive environment, particularly thinking of students who might be hesitant to express their viewpoints due to fear of judgment or negative consequences.
  • practical classroom management strategies to keep conversations constructive and focused on learning
  • how teachers can be prepared for unexpected reactions or comments and foster an atmosphere of empathy and understanding
  • Kent’s thoughts and insights on Robert Jones, Jr.’s quote: “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”

Connect with Kent Lenci :

Work with Joshua either in person or remotely.

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