Online Interactive Speaking and Writing Activity Language Classes

Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 6.11.49 AMOn Wheel Decide, teachers can type in the words that they want displayed on the wheel and on each click the wheel spins and lands on a random word.  There are so many uses for this online tool.  Fill in verbs and students write or say a sentence; type in vocabulary words and students write sentences or say a sentence in small groups or pairs; type in topics for pairs or small groups to use as speaking prompts; type in student names for setting up groups…so many possibilities.

The teacher can even save the wheels that he/she creates for future use.  It takes only minutes to create a wheel and you will be using it instantly.  And the best part is that it’s free.

Another version is Spinner Wheel. Also Free.



14 responses to “Online Interactive Speaking and Writing Activity Language Classes

  1. Vicky

    I love this! I can’t wait to use it in my classes!

  2. Gabriela Garza

    Thanks for sharing, it’s a great resource.

  3. Kathy

    Thanks! How do you save it? How do I embed it in a PPT?

    • jos76

      Sign in and create a free account. You can embed in a website, but not ppt, though you could put a link.

  4. Rita I Daugherty

    I didn’t know this existed. How cool! Thanks for sharing this great idea.

  5. Cecilia Lopez

    where do I go to sign up? Can I use this off line?

    • jos76

      I believe you can sign up using your Facebook account on the home page. It is housed on the website, so I think you need to be online to use it.

      • Cecilia Lopez

        Would the kids have to access Facebook to play it? That would not be accepted in our school setting.

      • jos76

        Not at all. Just send them the link or share your screen. In the physical classroom I project it.

  6. Vivian Colon

    Great! Thank you so much for sharing this. I can’t wait to use it.

  7. Pingback: 62: Class Pacing and Brain Breaks with Fadi Abughoush | World Language Classroom

  8. Wow – Thanks for suggesting at the end – it is amazing being able to use the multiple wheels functionality eg – Opens up so many more possibilities than the single wheel.

  9. Pingback: 135: Pacing Your Lessons with Fadi Aboughoush | World Language Classroom

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