Practicing Numbers and Math Vocabulary in a Foreign Language

More practice with numbers in a foreign language, but now it’s time to introduce math vocabulary and have students do some math in the foreign language.  I use UNO cards for this, but you can write numbers on index cards or use regular playing cards (minus the face cards with the ace being  number 1).

Practicing Numbers and Math Vocabulary in a Foreign Language (French, Spanish) wlteacher.wordpress.comI usually have students work in groups of two and we play on the floor with the cards spread out, face down, in the middle of the circle.  Before beginning, decide what type of math problem it will be, addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.  I usually stick to addition for more novice students multiplication with more advanced students.

Group choose two random cards and writes out their math problem (on a mini white board or piece of paper).  We go around the circle and each groups reads their math problem in the target language.  Once all groups read, they return the cards to the pile, mix them up, and choose two new cards and repeat the writing and reading of the new problem.  At the end of each round, groups add their new total to their previous toal and say what the new total is.  They keep a running total of their points.  The numbers can get rather high, particularly when multiplying.

Students get excited to have the highest number.  When done, the group with the highest total is named the winner.

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