Foreign Language Speaking Activity with Dice; Vocabulary and Verb Forms

Students can do this activity in groups of 2, 3 or 4. Each player gets their own card.  1 die is needed and bingo chips (or anything that will cover the die on the card). The object of the game is to be the first to cover all 12 dice on the card.

Foreign (World) Language Speaking Activity with Dice; Vocabulary and Verb. (French, Spanish) wlteacher.wordpress.comPlayer 1 rolls the die and chooses one of the two dice with that number on their card and says the word or verb form in the target language.   If correct, they cover the die.  Play continues with the next student.  Once two of the same number are covered on a player’s card play will continue to the next player if the number is rolled again.
The first player to cover all the numbers on their card wins the round.  Students then exchange their card with another player and play the round again.

This can be easily adapted to various proficiency level by having students use one word, a chunked phrase or even full, created sentences.

Download lots of versions of these activities:

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