Foreign Language Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning is being implemented more often in foreign language classes.  These projects provide opportunities for students to engage with the language authentically.

Foreign Language Project Based Learning (French, Spanish)

It is also a chance for students to use their language skills while researching and presenting the final product.  Below are some are some Project Based Learning (PBL) tips and suggestions to keep in mind to help ensure a high quality process and product.  You can also download a pdf of these tips in a checklist format along with some additional tips for specifically implementing PBL in the foreign language classroom.

  • A concrete timeline that helps students learn how to benchmark and manage projects.
  • An engaging presentation of the project that grabs student interest.
  • Academic rigor and alignment with standards with a focus on content and skill mastery.
  • An essential question that is based on the appropriate skill and age level of students.
  • A product that demonstrates knowledge and skill in which students show evidence that they have mastered the standards and objectives of the project.
  • Applied learning so that students think and do something new with their knowledge or skills.
  • An authentic audience that helps to keep the process and product focused on authenticity.
  • High-quality products or performance at the end of the project that demonstrates the results through applied knowledge and skills

7 responses to “Foreign Language Project Based Learning

  1. Kelly Ochoa

    Could you give me an example of a project? I like the concept but I struggle to come up with ideas to build a project around.

  2. Pingback: Teaching Global Citizenship in the Foreign Language Classroom | World Language Classroom Resources

  3. Pingback: 90%+ Target Language Use, Questions and Answers | World Language Classroom

  4. It’s great to see other people using PBLL. It’s quite effective and motivating. I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog’s.

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